There is a normal amount of anxiety needed to function but sometimes, it can get so extreme that you experience difficulty breathing, fear that “something bad will happen,” constant worry, shortness of breath, or heart racing. Anxiety may even impact your behavior so that you may begin avoiding places and people that you love in order to escape feeling anxious. You do not have to live like this. I can help you gain coping skills that will decrease your anxiety and improve your daily functioning.
Do you ever experience feelings of hopelessness, lack of motivation, loss of interest, irritability, or excessive crying? These are some symptoms of depression. You may feel as if your joy has been stolen and that you don’t feel like yourself. You are not a burden. You can began the process of healing.
Life transitions
Big changes bring about intense emotions. Whether it is going college, having a baby, going through a divorce, loving someone with an addiction, or losing a loved one, all change comes with pain that needs to be supported.
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